Northport Historical Society
_ Northport Historical Society
215 Main Street, Northport , NY
Heather Johnson 631-757-9859
Hours and Days of Operation – Tuesdays-Sundays, 1-4:30 p.m.
Information on Exhibits –
50 Years of Preserving and Celebrating Northport's History.
All of the items featured in our newest exhibition are from our Collection and honor the Society's founders and their activities. The history of the greater Northport area also features in the display.
215 Main Street, Northport , NY
Heather Johnson 631-757-9859
Hours and Days of Operation – Tuesdays-Sundays, 1-4:30 p.m.
Information on Exhibits –
50 Years of Preserving and Celebrating Northport's History.
All of the items featured in our newest exhibition are from our Collection and honor the Society's founders and their activities. The history of the greater Northport area also features in the display.